Monday, December 4, 2006

Birds on the top of the deer fence on a bright morning

The weather remains cold after the freezing rain of a few days ago and everything is still covered with a layer of ice. The leaves of the rose bush beside this chickadee seem frozen in time - still showing their fall colours.

We have an 8 foot deer fence that surrounds the vegetable garden. The cedar posts that hold it up extend a few feet above the wire and provide perfect perches for birds waiting their turn at the nearby feeder. This Downy woodpecker is will land a foot from my shoulder just after I took her photo.

Friday, December 1, 2006

Oh Deer!

I know these are not great photos. It was late in the day and by the time I got my camera out the deer were already across the road, so the shots are grainy. There were 5 deer in this group. I was pleased to see that they all looked fat and healthy - probably browsing on my perennials!

Just look at those tails! There is much discussion on the purpose of the white flags. Are they meant to scare approaching predators or warn other deer that danger is at hand? All I know is that I get a thrill every time I see them waving off through the bush.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Praying Mantis

If this isn't a praying mantis I'll eat my head!

I just came across this photo of David's hand taken by Craig Werth in early October. Isn't this insect amazing? This specimen was found in New Jersey.

I spent many a summer's day as a child, searching them out in the fields near my home, but I have yet to see one in my garden. I would love to have some as residents since mantids provide the best natural pest control going. Look at those Popeye fore arms - aren't you glad they aren't 3 feet long instead of 3 inches?

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Fall and a Spotted Salamander

I found this fine spotted salamander at the end of October under a slab of granite. I don't often run across this species so I was happy to see one. Spotted salamander eggs are easily damaged by acid rain and other pollutants so I hope my sighting indicates that we live in a healthy environment.